Epra DG Daniel Kiptoo has been causing waves in the industry since being appointed DG

The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (Epra) appointed Daniel Kiptoo as the new director-general and he has managed to take the organization to new heights.

Mr Kiptoo replaced Pavel Oimeke, who resigned under a cloud of corruption allegations after he was accused of demanding Ksh 200,000 to approve the reopening of a petrol station in Oyugis that had been shut down over tax violations.

After this the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (Epra) board of directors in consultation with the Cabinet Secretary for Energy, Charles Keter appointed Mr Daniel Kiptoo Bargoria to the role of Director-General for a term of three years which was the best decision they could have ever made and we hope it will be renewed as so far Mr Kiptoo has done a remarkable job.  

Mr. Bargoria has vast experience in the Energy and Petroleum sectors and has shown great skill and competency in policy formulation, regulation and project & structured finance.

He was also instrumental in the drafting of the Energy Act, 2019 and Petroleum Act.He has previously served as a Legal Advisor at the Ministry of Energy and State Department of Petroleum and Chairman of the Government’s First Oil Committee charged with delivery of First Oil for Kenya.

He is a Certified Public Secretary in Kenya (CPS), Chartered Secretary of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators UK (ICSA) and also a member of the Association of International Petroleum Negotiators (AIPN). He currently holds a master’s degree in Petroleum Law and Policy from University of Dundee-Scotland.


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