Mr and Mrs Kibera took place today at Kibera DC grounds.The event has been sponsored by Amani Kibera, Polycom development organization, Ujeengo global, Vocal Kenya, Kijiji yeetu, Kibera peace committee and NCIC.
The event which celebrates African culture and heritage has been there for over 20 years uplifting the youth of Kibera.

Jane Ayugi one of the contestants said”This event empowers the youth to stay focused and maintain peace.We should come together of race,tribe culture and build a bond that cannot be broken.”
She added,”Humanity is defined best when we have peace.We should stay united and conquer the world through peace. ”

One of the sponsors Rapudo Hawi director Kijiji yeetu told us exclusively,”This event has been about finding talent from the youth using digital technology and skills that will bring social change in their community towards elections in 2022.”
He added,”We are going to work with Amani Kibera and internet Society of Kenya to train the young people as internet governance champions that will influence conversations, dialogue and education through the influence of digital technology.