Mtongwe in Mombasa have greatly affected service delivery with reports indicating that disagreements between some top officials and suppliers are to blame.

The NYS Mtongwe branch is one the oldest and biggest in the country and has always admitted thousands of youths.

Operating as a technical college, the institution has helped train many youths in business skills while some have been used by the government in cleaning major towns and providing security in key government functions.

Despite getting a clean bill of health from the auditor general, some businessmen who have supplied for the institution are up in arms against its leadership and are believed to be working behind the scenes to ensure changes are effected.

This comes at a time when it is being reported that President William Ruto’s government has now levelled its guns on re modelling the NYS with major changes lineup up in some of its branches across the country.

Media reports indicatethat the government has singled out key branches that are embroiled in corruption scandals, poor leadership and tribalism for possible leadership changes.

In her recent visit to NYS, Public Service and Gender CS Aisha Jumwa told the officials among them Director General Matilda Sakwa that the services is key to everyone and she urged them to focus to their duty and not be disrupted by external forces.

The service has been accused of being a tendepreneur entity for suppliers who enjoy massive government support and have influence over its leadership.

Among those fighting key officials at Mtongwe NYS includes some renowned supplier and other procurement senior officers from other government institutions.

An internal audit aimed at unmasking ghost suppliers indicates that senior officers has positioned themselves key link between other suppliers and the finance department.

A source from within the service poured his frustrations out, lamenting that some senior Government officials who work as procurement officers have managed to outmuscle other suppliers out of business and are now fighting behind the scenes to have those opposed to him kicked out.

“We wonder about those guys. Some are government officials but the normally do tenders through proxies. They brags to be well connected with CS Aisha Jumwa. He is the one fighting our members.” He said 

The source has called on all investigative agencies to narrow down on those officials secretly and bring thing into book.


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