Ethics and Anti Corruption Communication sleuths are all over in attempts to arrest MCAs who stormed Controller of Budget’s Office.
EACC want the dishonourable members to record statement over their misconduct.
Top in EACC radar are Korogocho MCA Hon. Absalom Odhiambo, Embakasi Central MCA Jeremiah Themendu,Hon Lugonzo, Rosemary Masitza among others.
Speaking to journalists officers drawn from the EACC allege that it’s uncalled for, inappropriate and disrespect to storm a government agency without following proper channels.
“We are going to arrest the herein mentioned MCAs led by MCA Matach, Themendu, Masitsa and a number of nominated MCAs. They must face the wrath of the law. Governor Johnson Sakaja should have addressed the matter instead,” he stated.