1.Compliment Friends and Strangers
Try praising a new person each day for a month.
2. Spend Wisely
Support a small business in your area.
3. Talk Politics Productively
Encourage people to love one another and live in peace.
4. Keep Your Kids’ Vaccinations Up-to-Date
Friends don’t give friends whooping cough.
5. Browse for Worthy Causes
Download a charitable web browser extension like Tab for a Cause, which uses ad revenue to donate to a partner nonprofit of your choice every time you open a new tab.
6. Switch to Tubeless Toilet Paper
Unless you’re super crafty, you won’t miss those cardboard cylinders—and neither will the planet.
7. Support Your Local Women’s Shelter
Donate new bras, which are always in short supply. Menstrual products are another high-demand item (for every box of its tampons you buy
8. Know Your Neighbors
Only about 20 percent of Americans do—down from nearly 30 percent since the 1970s—and research has linked social connection with decreased depression and even a longer life.
11. Plant an Herb, Vegetable, or Flower Garden
Everyone wins: The plants produce environmentally beneficial oxygen, you reap the meditative rewards of gardening, and you can savor the fruits of your labor—or gift them to friends and family.
12. Give Away Your Unwanted Stuff
Put your goods on ad-posting sites and apps for free, so someone who actually needs them can have them at no charge.
courtesy of oprah.com