Lucy Wangui Vows To Transform Mihang’o

1)Tell us who is Lucy Wangui:
I am a mother,wife and a born again Christian.I am also a graduate of Human resource management.I have been a resident of Mihang’o for the last 10 years.I am a lady who is determined to serve the people of Mihang’o differently.I am ready to give the people of Mihang’o the best.
2)Why should the people of Mihang’o vote for you as their MCA? I have a vision and I want to show them that I am a leader with a difference. I will always be there for them and on top of that I am a leader who likes bringing people together in a communal way I will always be accessible to them.

3)What are you going to do for the people of Mihang’o once elected?
I will ensure that there is always enough medication in public dispensaries. Shortage of medicine will be a thing of the past.
I intend to improve the education system in Mihang’o and add more ECDE centers(which is under the county government).As a mother I understand the importance of education and I want all our children in Mihang’o to go to school.
I intend to empower women,men and youth living in Mihang’o by helping them secure online and offline jobs so that they can be economically empowered.I will also help them access funds such as the youth and women fund.
I intend to improve the lighting system in Mihang’o this will enable people to run their businesses at night and create a 24hour business environment for our entrepreneurs.
I also intend to improve the sewage system in the area.Our sewage system is not satisfactory because when it rains it floods and this is something I will change in my first 100days.
I will increase fresh water flow into Mihang’o as most houses use salt water which is very unfortunate because fresh water is our right.
4)How do you stand out from all the other candidates vying for this seat?
I intend to be a leader with a difference,a leader with a listening ear,a leader who is there for the people at all times.A leader who will serve her people without favour or bias.I will be the type of leader people can run to in times of trouble.I want to be a problem solver and give them a solution to their problems.
5)How would you describe your leadership style? I am an all inclusive leader.I am a democratic leader who will fight for the rights of the vulnerable and give a voice to the voiceless in the community as I have always done in the past but now on a bigger platform.

6)What are you going to do differently from your predecessor? I am going to be more accessible and serve all the people inclusively without bias or favour.I will put the people first in all I do and serve the people with all my heart.
7)What are some of the key points of your manifesto?
Health-Increasing more dispensaries and health facilities in Mihang’o
Education-Increasing ECDE centers in Mihang’o
Empowerment-Empowering the youth by increasing employment opportunities for them
Fresh water-I will ensure that more fresh water flows into our taps.I believe that fresh water is our right as Kenyan citizens
Sanitation-I will improve the sewage system in Mihang’o

8)What are some of the projects you’ve done so far to give back to the community? Long before the elections came around I have been there for the community I have stood with the community in various projects.I have strived to give a voice to the voiceless and have helped get justice for the vulnerable and overlooked in our society and I will continue to do so but now on a bigger platform.
9)What is your promise to the people of Mihang’o? I promise to be a leader with a difference,to always be there for the people and to transform Mihang’o.
10)How can people reach you? What are your social media handles?Social media Twitter Lucy_kui ,
Lucy Wangui – KUI MCA 2022