THE candidature of a Senior Lecturer of Moi University Main Campus Eldoret in North Mugirango Parliamentary seat has left Male aspirants wobbling.

Riding on a Jubilee Party ticket, Dr.Janet Komenda an orator per excellence has been unanimously endorsed by most North Mugirango constituents to unseat the incumbent, Hon.Joash Nyamoko, in a contest dominated by over 20 Men.

Dr. Komenda, who is the only female aspirant has not left any stone unturned as she hits hard on her competitors,most of whom have integrity issues.

“I am assuring my Constituents that I am firmly set to take over this North Mugirango Parliamentary seat with a huge margin of votes. My candidature is people Centered.My win in the upcoming August 2022 will be a win for all Women,Youths,Our people leaving with disabilities and most importantly, a win for our aged and elderly group”, said Dr. Komenda adding that, most of the Male aspirants asking to be considered for the seat have questionable characters and are a huge let down to the Community and Omogusii society in general.

Charged Dr.Komenda, ‘Most of this leaders who are dressed in wolves skin have and have no idea on the importance of Education to our children especially the girl child.They themselves misuse them pretending to be honest care givers. And we know them.The current MP is not any better either. He has successfully failed to improve our children’s academic standards.

Most of our school infrastructure in North Mugirango are in a sorry and pathetic state. Where does he take the CDF funds given to us from National Government?’

According to Dr.Komenda, most children who are bright but hailing from poor and challenged family backgrounds do not get school bursaries, hence end up dropping from school and becoming a target to societal vices like drug and substances abuse.

According to National statistics, most if not all, North Mugirango schools, have never produced learners who qualify to persue serious academic courses like medicine, architecture or even space engineering.
Addressing members of the media early today, Dr. Komenda, “I am a Lecturer with a long standing on matters academic performance. Get it from me, North Mugirango has very few students joining our Universities and this performance should concern all of us since it is about our kids and our future. The current North Mugirango leadership is totally asleep and should be ignored and replaced immediately.

According to Mr. Cornelious Omonyo,a resident of Bokeira Ward in North Mugirango who is in record as having assisted bright but needy students advance their studies through meaningful and structured fund drive, “Education of our kids is paramount. We need a leader who has our children’s interests at heart. Unfortunately, most of those angling to be our representatives have questionable deals including giving our children drugs to shout others down in public political meetings. I find Dr.Janet Komenda ready, Visionary and Suitable to be given that chance to lead come this August”
I urge our women, youths, people leaving with disability and the elderly from our region to wake up and support this visionary lady in the name of Dr.Janet Komenda for that seat. Men should be ignored in totality since they have championed for their personal gains as opposed to minding about our regions improvement since independence.

Some of the male aspirants still wobbling on how to face the no nonsense leader Dr. Komenda come August 2022 include the incumbent MP Hon.Nyamoko,Job Nyasimi,Arani , Obike,Geni,Otwori,Mosinga,Ombui,Nathaniel,Ayore,Nyayiemi,Robin,Mosongo,Onsongo,Onchieku,Arama,Omayio and the new kid on block Isaac Atebe.

Locals now say, most of this aspirants are planted projects to help neutralize Dr.Janet Komenda influence, voting base and popularity ahead of August 2022 General Elections.

But,some constituents notably lecturers and those in the entire teaching profession have vowed to back Dr.Komenda candidature adding that, ‘Dr.Komenda quest for leadership in the region is inevitable and that the entire Gusii region is ripe for women leadership especially in the poor North Mugirango constituency that has been a male dominated ground since independence.


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