Press Release

Wisdom Tower Junior School Produces Best Student In Kiambu County

Wisdom Junior School Kiambu today was filled with pomp and color as students and parents danced and sang following the schools top performance in the county.

Wisdom tower which was started in 2012 by Mr and Mrs Njeru has beat the odds to be one of the best schools in Kiambu.

The first student Sandra Ndegwa scoring 418 na Rizer Muthoni scored 402 and the school.

Sandra was actually among the first student to enroll when the school opened.The school has done KCPE for the last 5years and has always been topping.

The school which is at the heart of Ruiru has good amenities and extra curriculum which have won awards like Tae kwo ndo,Skating,Ballet,Music and Swimming.

The school started from humble beginnings from scratch and has managed to beat the odds to be the best school in Kiambu Riuru.

The director Gladys Njeru said,”When I started I would go house to house, door to door requesting parents to enroll their kids in our school and now we have a population of 380 students majority of whom have performed well.”

She added,”We put the mental health of students as a priority and make sure students are well catered for by professional counsellors.”

Mr Njeru the senior director said,”We are looking forward to opening our junior high school next year which will cater to the growing number of students. “


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