Oduk Oginga demonstrated his patriotic nature by conducting civic education in several tertiary institutions in Langata and Rongai like MMU,Pcea Kuwinda,Karen C, St Matthews and many more.He encouraged the youth to come out in large numbers and vote.

Mr Oduk said,”It is your democratic right to come out and vote not only on April 21st but on August 9th as well.It is your right to vote for the right person to take over the leadership void we have.”

Mr Oginga is known to be very patriotic and to put the needs of the people before his very own.

He is predicted to win the nominations and the August 9th elections as well.The masses stand behind his compassionate nature and strong need to help the community.

Mr Oginga has been involved in several community development projects and has even won humanitarian awards for helping members of the community.

One of the students Joseline Jebet said,”Mr Oduk has paid school fees for countless students in our school and we are very grateful for that because he has given us hope and changed our lives.”

Another student Joseph Mwangi said,”We are very grateful to Mr Oduk for also partnering with our institutions to help us get employment and internship opportunities.Personally I have benefitted greatly from this program and I am very grateful to Mr Oginga.”

Mr Oginga has an impressive record of helping members of the community and standing with them in times of trials that is why many predict he is most likely to win the upcoming nominations on April 21st.


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