By Fred Maingi

Playing with vigour and confidence Muthaiga Golf club player Daniel Kiragu proved his critics wrong when he emerged the overall winner of the 2022 Sir Nick Faldo Kenya Championship.

The two days event was held at the Limuru Golf club.

Kiragu won after the second sudden death play off with Elvis Muigua of Kiambu Golf Club coming second.

The play off was determined after they both posted 228 gross after the three rounds of 18 holes each.
Other winners that have qualified to play in the Sir Nick Faldo Series Grand Finale in Abudabi after topping in their age categories include, Channelle Wangari of vet Lab Sports Club , Krish Shah of Vet Lab Sport Club ,and Faith Ontune of Golf Park Golf Club.

The four qualified to play the final round after making the cut to make it to top the 48 players who took part in the event.

Kiragu was all smiles after receiving his trophy amid thunderous cheers.

He said the win will motivate him to perform better in future subsequent events.

The two days event that took place from 10th – 12th September 2022 attracted a total of 62 elite juniors drawn from different clubs across the country including Limuru, GolfPark, Muthaiga, Kiambu, VetLab, Windsor, Nakuru, Thika Sports, Naivasha, Royal Nairobi, Ndumberi, Karen, Nyali, Kenya Railway and Sigona Golf Clubs.

“We are privileged to be the first country in Africa to host this event. We do believe that next year we will get bigger numbers drawn from our neighboring countries Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda , Burundi and many more” observed Honorary Secretary – Kenya Golf Union David Ndung’u.

In addition, Junior Golf Foundation organized for a sports psychology session which was conducted by Pro Nelson Mudanyi of Muthaiga Golf Club.

Winners per Category
12-16 Boys – Krish Shah ( 16 years) 81,82,83 = 246
12-16 Girls, – Channelle Wangari ( 15 years ) 78,80,77= 235
17-21 Boys, – Daniel Kiragu (21 years) 73,79,76 = 228
17-21 Girls Faith Onute ( 19 years) 88,83,89= 260.

The Nick – Faldo Series tournament is a World Amateur Ranking Event that is part of the global Sir Nick Faldo Series which exposes the juniors to a great competition experience and in the long term enhances the development of ardent junior golfers to professional levels.


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