Serena security Leonard Ndonga is known to bribe and harass journalists in order to attend and cover press conferences at serena hotel.

Mr Ndonga who is arrogant and is a famous sex offender not only asks for sexual favours from female journalists to attend pressers but asks for hefty bribes from male journalists too.

This has caused many pr companies to stop taking their press conferences and events to Serena the biggest one being K Communications.Many organizations are very careful today because of the me too movement however Serena seems to have missed the memo not doing background checks on its employees and hiring known sexual offenders in the process.

Mr Ndonga was first accused of being a sex offender a few years ago when he was accused of raping a journalist after inviting her to his place.According to the journalist she just wanted access to attend press conferences but Mr Ndonga seemed to mark her and was constantly harassing her in the premises.Male journalists have come forward too complaining that they have to part with thousands just to access the premises often tipping Mr Ndonga and several security men at the premises.

As more journalists come out to speak against Mr Ndonga UNWomen and UNCTAD have vowed never to take their events there following this revelation.


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