1) Tell us about your latest project;

Bampinay EP 5 audios

2) What do you do to make sure you stand out as an artist?

First uniqueness then the outfit and mainly involve the crowd while performing.

3) What do you do during your free time when you’re not making music?

I do Dj things, Cooking, traveling,Swimming and colleting ideas.

4) What do you love the most about being an artist?

It is my passion I’ve always wanted to do this and to show the whole word what I’m capable of.

5)If you waren’t an artist which other career path would you pursue?

6)How do you feel music has changed so far?

Music involves everyday there are alot of genres being discovered and as an artist is mandatory to cope up, practice is the key to success.

7) What difference are you planning to make in the music industry?

To find the skills qualities and the market for my product.

8)What mantra do you live by ?

Biggy surah King a.k.a Mr Bampinay Rasuh.

9)They say that music is therapeutic.How can you say music had helped you cope with some of the challenges you’ve faced in life ?

Music has made me overcome depression and anxiety swiftly through lyrics.

10) What do you have in store for your fans in 2023?

Bampinay Album on the way.


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