The independent candidates in Kenya have now threatened to storm Raila Odingas’ home to avert the planned state house demonstrators by Azimio.

In a briefing the leaders led by Lawrence Oyugi condemned the demos saying it has been well orchestrated to cause anarchy and chaos in the country.

“We want to ask his excellency the president to make sure he capturers the home of Raila Odinga ….if that fails then before Monday we will go to Raila’s home and sit down there and show the who world that we don’t want violence,” Oyugi Said.

“We shall not allow this to happen the government should withdraw security officers of all state officials including those of the the Mps.” George Bush said

Yesterday ODM grassroots leaders endorsed Raila Odinga’s impending mass action scheduled for next week to pursue what he has termed as electoral justice.

The party’s chairmen from 35 counties reached the resolution on Friday after a consultative meeting with Raila at a Nairobi hotel.

Raila on February 22 gave the Kenya Kwanza regime a 14-day ultimatum to open IEBC servers and lower the cost of living or face mass action.

Speaking during Azimio’s first prayer meeting at the Jevanjee gardens in Nairobi, Raila said the government’s decision to withdraw subsidies in the middle of a ravaging drought and famine was reckless and heartless.


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