By Nicholas Manduku

United Progressive Alliance UPA party UPA has today held its elections for new party officials as well as recruiting new members.

The delegates drawn from across the country will be expected to make radical resolutions including endorsing a working relationship with President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza administration.

Speaking during the launch and election of party members in Nairobi,the new party leader and Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo said: “Everyone must accept new members and stop tribalism and negligence for this party”.

Governor Nyaribo says he will lead the party with democracy and regulations as guided by the political parties act of Kenya.

He hinted at having the party’s top decision-making organ formalise the deal to join President William Ruto’s Kenya Kwanza.

The UPA party went into the 2022 general election under Raila Odinga’s Azimio La Umoja One Kenya Alliance but it’s now keen to sever that relationship in favour of Ruto.


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