*1)Tell us about your latest song and project*

Asante is the 7th song from my album-Nitakuabudu. It marks the 7th year since I began my music career its a thanksgiving song.

*2)What makes you different(stand out) from other artists?*
Like any other person my assignment is different. I mostly major in doing highschool visits and charity events twice a month as a way of giving back to the community.I visit two children’s home with a group of friends.Most people wait for December to do charitable acts but I do it all year long. I rarely post the photos because my aim is to reach out and not to show off.I am equally committed to a church which I attend and serve in the praise and worship team.

3)How is your upcoming album/ single different from the other ones?
My current album is made up majorly of songs that can be sang in church unlike the previous ones which were dance pop christian songs that could only be used in out door Christian events.

Also I have alot of collaborations on this album eight to be exact so it’s a mixture of different rythyms and flows.It also has more songs compared to my previous album.Its really a gift to my fans.

*4)How can you describe your song writing process?*

It starts with inspiration, then finding the right chords for the melody. Building the chorus then writing the verses and bridge and it comes together so beautifully.

*5)Many people shy away from music but what encouraged you to pursue music and did your family support you in the beginning?*

What gives me inspiration is the feedback I get that a life was inspired and changed for the better after listening to my music or someone felt encouraged to face another day after listening to my music.Yes my sister is my number one fan .

*6)What mark would you like to leave in the world?*
– Having raised new musicians .
– Impacted lives positively
– Many people to come to the knowledge of God through my music

*7) Describe to us how you decide how your album will look like*
My album is a 15 song album.
It’s comprised of songs written both in English and Swahili.
Lastly I have collaborated with 8 musicians.  

*8)What difference are you planning to make in the music industry?*
– Produce music that is relevant both in church and in the market place . 

*9)What quote/mantra do you live by?*
Never Give Up

*10)As your brand grows and develops how do you wish to give back as a public figure?*

– I do two children’s home visits every month as mentioned earlier I will definitely continue to do this  but on a larger scale I would also love to help kids get good education.


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