Good testimony has the worst discrimination against children from single parent homes.This is a fact that dawned on me and broke my heart to pieces in 2019 when my child was just in grade one.

Being a single mother who had managed to get a few coins in my pocket and had just began being financially stable I thought Good testimony was the perfect school for me cause it was near where I lived.

All was good as I struggled to support my child and educate her with the little I had from my growing business hoping I would give her a better chance at life than I ever had.

It somehow gave me assurance that I was doing the right thing now that she didn’t have a dad and so I was motivated to work hard and pay the necessary school fees.

It didn’t matter that her teacher was always rude and disrespectful towards me and without my knowledge to my daughter as well.This affected her self esteem incredibly and during every parents day the way she looked down on me mine as well.

Fast forward to grade one my daughter could not read or even write her name her books with few assignments.

My daughter would come home every day crying stating that the teacher never failed to remind her that she is slow and would do it in front of the class breaking her young spirit.

I never thought I would cry as a mum cause of the things she went through at school with her empty books I thought maybe the teacher was right.

So one day I mastered the courage to go see the teacher and ask what was going on she looked me in the face and said your child is slow.I was really confused but thought okay it’s my fault she comes from a broken home maybe that’s the reason she’s struggling in school.

I got her tuition and she improved immensely and I thought to myself she isn’t slow the tutor also confirmed that she isn’t slow enquring from my daughter she told me that her teacher always harassed and humiliated her in class and as a result she couldn’t grasp anything even if she tried to.

I thought to myself enough is enough and transfered her to another school I was shocked that after one term she could read, write and spell on her own.I thought to myself God has come through for me and couldn’t hide my joy and excitement.

We’re in second term now and she topped her class it kind of gives me hope as a single mother to see her doing well and sometimes I look back and wonder what would have happened if I hadn’t transferred her.

Good testimony left in me a scar that I think will never heal.Maybe by writing this I’ll get an opportunity to heal somehow.Sometimes I wonder did they treat me like that cause I had struggling single mother all over my face come to remember I remember her teacher once told me mama nani everytime I ask for supplies between the term I don’t get them hii maisha ya broke single mothers ni ngumu. I’ll never forget that statement.

Ironically now as I write this I just made my first million.Yenyewe ya Mungu ni mengi.I learnt alot from that experience and it made me grow as a person.

Anyway I hope this makes me heal my scar and I never have to think about this experience ever again cause it’s something I think about everyday and I struggle with I hope as I write this last line I never have to struggle with this again. I hope I find the peace and healing I am desperately looking for so that I can just move on with my life.


By admin

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