1)He is a God fearing leader

He is known to be a God fearing man and one after God’s own heart.He is straight forward and does things in an honest manner.He is not tolerant to corruption and cartels.

2)He is a servant leader

Having had a history of serving people it is something that he loves and has done since his youth and something he loves doing till to date.

3)He is responsible

He is known as a person who is responsible and can lead Mwea constituents into prosperity and economic empowerment.

4) He is reliable

Having had a history of carrying out his tasks responsibly and reliably.He is the best pick for Mwea and Kirinyaga as a whole.

5)He is honest

He is known for his honesty and straight forward nature he will surely make it hard for cartels and kanjo to harass citizens as he loves God and does not condone corruption in any way.


By admin

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