As the nation sneaks a look at the upcoming August, 9th general elections with only 40 Days left to the ballot, Marsabit County residents are also waiting to cast their vote for Change in leadership to have a system that will develop and grow Marsabit which unlike other counties it has been left behind in terms of devolution.

Due to the high poverty rates and suffering the people of Marsabit have experienced over the years, North Horr Member of Parliament Francis Chachu Ganya has decided to clinch the Governor’s seat after 15 years in parliament, which makes him more qualified to devolve the county due to the vast experience in government and for the first time Marsabit might receive the glory it deserves.

Hon. Chachu called on the whole of Marsabit to come out in large numbers and vote for the change they have been waiting for citing that the current government has failed to devolve Marsabit despite the vast potential in the county.

In his well-pillared manifesto, Mr. Ganya has promised to streamline the health sector of the county by increasing the number of health facilities and repairing the existing ones.
In addition, he has vowed to work tirelessly until the facilities are fully equipped with drugs and necessary equipment to ensure health is affordable and available to the people.

The flamboyant Member of Parliament seeks to uplift the education levels of all students by making an equal allocation of bursaries to all needy students and attracting sponsorships to educate bright students who come from needy families.
In his 3 terms in parliament, he has raised the bar high in his constituency, having an increase in the number of education facilities and good performance over the years which proves his ability to upgrade education in the whole county.

“I want to urge leaders to spread peace across the country and you should be peace ambassadors in the society due to your position. I condemn criminal activities in this County, ethnicity and as a leader, I always lead as an example via involvement in peace initiatives and capacity-building initiatives,” he stated.

“The youths and women are no exception in Hon. Ganya’s government will receive grants and funding both in the formal and informal sectors to start up small businesses and enterprises to scale down unemployment amongst the people,” he added.

Additionally, Marsabit being a patrol community seeks to revive the livestock and meat industry so that livestock farmers can have a market where they can do business and support their families.


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