1)Tell us about your latest song and project…’Ona”..to be released on 27th july 2022..this is a project ive been doing for the past 3 months…

2)What makes you different(stand out) from other artists?..Am the only kenyan kalenjin bongo artist around…this making me slightly different from others…

3)What do you during your free time? …I like travelling to new places.watching documentaries and performing

4)Many people shy away from music but what encouraged you to pursue music and did your family support you in the beginning? I love my talent so much that i do it in passion…what normally encaurages me is that,every work depends on the passion and interest plus attitude,what a someone can do in 10yrs,you can do in1 year..

5) How would you like future generations to identify with your music? …i want to be a role model to the coming generation leaving a best and known legacy to all upcoming artists..

6) Describe us how you decide how your album will look like …action will speak more about my album..wait

7)What difference are you planning to make in the music industry? ..i want it to be natural and relate to the current society and relation.

8)What quote/mantra do you live by? What man can do in 10 years you can do in 1 year…success depend on your ability to overcome fear

9)As your brand grows and develops how do you wish to give back as a public figure? Help the young artist too to grow…because this life is a circle what goes around come around


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