Residents of Tazan lane city park drive in parklands within Nairobi county have been protesting against the ongoing Multi-million house project on the ground that they were never consulted and there is not a proper sewer line that will help protect the environment.

They even went to court and addressed the same but the developer with a truck company have decided that the work must proceed despite health, approval procedures and other serious concerns. A spot check by our team revealed that a truck company is part of the mix and we shall be revealing the same with factual details in our next revelations.

Residents have been claiming that the project has not fully complied with the required laws and it has not openly showed how its sewerline will operate.

They even raised alarm on how the out-going NMS approved development of 91 4&3 bedroomed apartments in an area with no sewer line.

Nothing was done but by the time we went to air this story, a sewer line had exploded and the area is now filthy and they are in danger of contracting serious diseases.

“Just check how it is flowing, they don’t have a proper way of dealing with this mess, we have been getting orders even from our courts but the developer has been ignoring them,” said one of the residents.

The ongoing building will accommodate more than 700 people once completed hence raising health issues.

Ironically structural engineer’s letter and also the Architect’s letter earlier confirmed they have not been involved in the project from the Start yet their Names were posted on the site board to hoodwink the public on the project legality.

“We refer to the above matters. I hereby confirm that i terminated my services from the mentioned project on May 21,2021 for Failure to sign the contract for work supervision, I confirm that the same was communicated to NCA on the same day, i have been notified that my Name appears on the project sign post . Kindly remove my Name from the project sign post with immediate effects,” said one of the engineer’s.

Residents have been demanding for months that the NMS and NCA immediately Issue orders stopping any further development , condemning the site and ordering the demolition of the structures.

“We want the authority responsible to act before its too late, let the structures be brought down and allow legal process to take place,” Amos Wekesa, a resident said. Nothing has been done to date, does it explains that in Kenya some people can disregard the rule of law and do what they want? A city lawyer asked.

NEMA official recently visited the area where the sewage was leaking on the name of inspection but the issue was raised some months ago, why did they act? Another resident posed, they want quick and immediate action taken as per the law even if it means the constructions must come to a halt.

They had further claims that the building is being constructed at a high speed hence raising security concerns.


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